Clear the Noise and listen to what you need


On the morning of my fortieth birthday, I threw my back out, big time. Not a minor tweak, but the kind where standing upright was no longer an option.

I wish I could say I was doing something impressive or heroic when it went out, but I was simply tying my shoe. This unassuming task is what took me out. It's what landed me on the couch for three solid days. It's what brought my world to a halt. Or was it?

The truth is, for weeks, my body was sending me signals to slow down, lift lighter weights, and to check my ego. I kept pressing on, ignoring all the red flags, and resisting changing my plan or approach. The result? The universe sent me an intervention that I couldn't ignore. Instead of making the necessary changes that could have saved me from lying face down on the kitchen floor in agony, I ignored my instinct in favor of just pushing through.

It's natural human behavior to ignore signals suggesting change.

We are creatures of comfort and enjoy doing things that are familiar and routine. It's why we often ignore or miss entirely indications that modification is required. 

I'm a firm believer that the universe is communicating with us at all times. Red flags and signals are floating around, some are louder than others, and some are subtle. Big or small, they are opportunities to grow, change, and adapt.  

Don't just push through life.

How can you stop time, clear the noise, and listen to what you need before you end up on the kitchen floor? Here are five things worth experimenting with to create space and widen your scope:

Schedule Meetings With Yourself

The frequency and length are up to you, but blocking time will ensure you have the space to scan your world for red flags. Are you doing all the heavy lifting? Are you happy? Do you need help? What do you want?


Writing things down slows the hamster wheel of thoughts that run on repeat. Once your thoughts are out of your head and on a piece of paper, you have the option to make them a reality.

Gratitude Practice

Focusing on the things you are grateful for channels your energy on all that you have instead of what you don't.

Develop a Mantra and Keep It Visible

Think of this as a little cheer just for you. It is something that reminds you of what you want and where you're going. Write it down and post it in places around your environment. I have two: "Does it help me grow?" And "Clarity comes from engagement, not thought."

Both of these are posted at my desk. They are reminders to continue to grow and to reach out to others, both things I have declared as lifelines to avoid just pushing through.

Ask Yourself

"If you were guaranteed success, what changes would you make?”

Final Thoughts

My intervention was a horrible back spasm. It was the result of ignoring the signs and just pushing through. I got away with it for a while, but ultimately it cost me.

By implementing the five suggestions above, you are taking a more proactive stance to your life. You are taking the time to assess what you want, evaluate the red flags, and to decide what to engage in or not.

By slowing down, creating space, and NOT pushing through, the creator in you has a higher chance to choose a more empowering response to life's challenges. The perspective you gain will help you feel lighter and more likely to select a resourceful and resilient response to the situation, and you will most likely avoid lying face down on the kitchen floor!


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Jen Shannon